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Database Cloning to Same Host through Cold Backup

Anup - Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Source database Details:

Host: SUN1
Database SID=PROD
Data file Mount Point = /DB/PROD

Target (Clone) Database Details:

Host: SUN1
Database SID=CLONE
Data file Mount Point: /DB/CLONE

Step 1 Create control file scripts on Primary instance.

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;

Note: Above command will generate a cerate controlfile scripts in USER_DUMP_DISTINATION folder.

Step 2 Update create controle file scripts.

Step 3 If your Primary database using Spfile , then create pfile.

SQL> if your database is using spfile then create pfile from spfile.

Note: this Will generate initPROD.ora file

Step4 Rename initPROD.ora to initCLONE.ora file and update DB_NAME and CONTROL_FILE parameter.

Step 5 Set ORACLE_SID=CLONE on terminal and execute create controlfile script.

#sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn / as sysdba

Step 6 open the database with resetlogs options

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

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Anup Srivastav
Lucknow - Utter Pradesh
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